08 January, 2011

Reading Plans.

Hello friends. This post is solely dedicated to my reading goals. Last August I made a facebook status inviting my friends to suggest things to read to me. That's actually my favorite use for facebook: I treat it more like data collection than a valid means of communication between people. I have almost 1600 friends, so taking polls is actually both really interesting and often helpful. (especially noting that I have a lot in common with many of my friends).  So- thank you to everyone!

That being said: Here's my proposed list. I have no time table on it as of now, given that in my circumstance I actually like to read, so if I have the book I'll naturally go from there. 

First: before any other goals, I want to do the daily Read- the Bible in 2011. My church here, which is incredibly awesome, Harvest Bible Chapel, has a fairly standard reading plan. The chance to do this everyday with my husband, as well as many other believers is one I'm not going to pass up. So far it's been day 8, and I'm well on track. 

Pastor James began our series "Get Healthy" with the verse in Deuteronomy, where Israel is commanded to love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. It was eye opening to me, because as Piper said-  If any of our means of loving God is decreased, our love for God is diminished. (paraphrase kinda...) THe point being that we need to be healthy: with our will, our emotions, our intellect, and our physical bodies. If any of these areas are not surrendered, and not growing, then we cannot love God as fully as we should. 
So my reading list is diverse: it's best to learn about all different kinds of things. And so I have a bunch of different kinds of reading material. 

As always, please, please, please- add suggestions. 

In the Sanctuary of Outcasts: Neil White
Brother Andrew
Hudson Taylor
The Hiding Place
Dietrich Bonhoiffer
Julia Child: my life in france
Freud: A Life For Our Time Peter Gay
The Nazi Officer’s Wife Edith Hahn Beer & Susan Dworkin

David Sedaris - Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim
Neil Gaiman - Smoke and Mirrors
Two Rivers by T. Greenwood 
the pillars of the earth by ken follett
CS Lewis: Perelandra
CS Lewis: Great Divorce
CS Lewis: Til we have faces
CS Lewis: Screwtape Letters
CS Lewis: Chronicles of Narnia
Dostoevsky: Crime and Punishment
Dostoevsky: brothers K
Dostoevsky: notes from the underground
Percy Jackson Series: Rick Riordan
Good Omens: Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchet
Letters from Earth: Mark Twain
Enders Game
Brave New World
Lord of the Flies
Atlas Shrugged
Hitchhikers Guide 
A Canticle for Leibowitz

Standing Naked in the Shower by Nathan Bryce
CS Lewis: Mere Christianity
CS Lewis: the four loves
CS Lewis: the problem of pain
CS Lewis: a grief observed
CS Lewis: surprised by Joy
Darwin: Voyage of the Beagle
Malcolm Gladwell: The tipping point
Lewis: abolition of Man

Ravi: Jesus Among Other Gods
Ravi: Has Christianity Failed You?
Ravi: The End of Reason

Ravi: From Oprah to Chopra

Defining Right and Wrong in Brain Science: Essential Readings in Neuroethics (Dana Foundation Series on Neuroethics)
Moral Minds: Marc Hauser

Elliot: The Four Quartets
Elliot: Choruses from the Rock

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